Statistics for Orange, VA 22960
General Information:

Latitude: 38.231526
Longitude: -78.079231
Population: 9443
Density: 81.34
(people per square land mile)
Housing Units: 3972
Land Area: 116.09 sq. mi.
Water Area: 0.76 sq. mi.
Social Indicators
Educational Achievement: Marital Status:
(among people 25 years or older) (among people 15 years or older)
Less than 9th grade: 12.9% Never married: 26.6%
9th-12th grade (nongrad): 18.3% Married: 53.3%
High school graduate: 34.7% Separated: 3%
Some college: 13.7% Widowed: 8.8%
Associate degree: 3.7% Divorced: 8.3%
Bachelors degree: 10.3% Stability/Newcomer Appeal:
Graduate/Professional: 6.5% Same home 5+ years: 59.8%
High school or higher: 68.8% Social and economic indicators
based on 2000 Census sample data.
Bachelors or higher: 16.7%
Green = Above U.S. Avg Red = Below U.S. Avg
Red bkg. = Above U.S. Avg Green bkg. = Below U.S. Avg
Economic Indicators
Household Income Occupation
<$10,000 14.3% (among employed persons over 16) $10,000-$14,999 5.9% Mgt./Professional 25.9% $15,000-$24,999 13% Service 17.3% $25,000-$34,999 14.1% Sales/Office 25.1% $35,000-$49,999 18.3% Farm/Fishing/Forestry 1.3% $50,000-$74,999 18.5% Construction/Extraction/Maint. 12.8% $75,000-$99,999 8.6% Production/Transportation 17.6% $100,000-$149,999 5% Unemployment/Poverty $150,000-$199,999 1% Unemployed 1.6% $200,000+ 1.3% Below Poverty Line 14% Median Household Income: $36,486
Hispanic/Latino: 1.3%
White*: 76.3%
Black*: 21.1%
Native American*: 0%
Asian*: 0.2%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander*: 0%
Other*: 0.1%
Multiracial*: 0.8%
* Does not include individuals
in this racial group
who identify as Hispanic/Latino.
Male Female Both
% of Males % of All % of Females % of All % of All
0-9 years: 13% 6.2% 11.6% 6% 12.2%
10-19 years: 13.4% 6.4% 13% 6.7% 13.2%
20-29 years: 12% 5.8% 9.8% 5.1% 10.9%
30-39 years: 16.1% 7.7% 14% 7.3% 15%
40-49 years: 16.1% 7.8% 14.8% 7.7% 15.5%
50-59 years: 10.8% 5.2% 11.2% 5.8% 11%
60-69 years: 9.3% 4.5% 10% 5.2% 9.6%
70-79 years: 6.3% 3% 8.5% 4.4% 7.4%
80+ years: 3% 1.5% 7.1% 3.7% 5.1%
All Ages: Male: 48.1% Female: 51.9%
Median Ages: 37.5 yrs. 41 yrs. 39.2 yr
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