Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10 Basic Truths Every Home Seller Needs to Know

10 Basic Truths Every Home Seller Needs to Know

Does the current home buyer tax credits and buyer incentives have you frothing at the mouth to make an offer on a home you've fallen in love with? Or maybe that job transfer has finally come through. Now all that is left is to get your home on the market and get it sold.
Being a Realtor I talk to many people in your same situation. For what it's worth, here are 10 basic truths every home seller needs to know when listing their home for sale.
1. If you are in doubt about your wall color, paint it neutral.    
2. Homes really do not sell themselves - no matter how beautiful they are.
3. Buyers don't care if you've already fixed, painted and repaired 48 out of 50 things. Trust me, they only care about the 2 you didn't get to.
4. Everything you do right prior to selling your home will reduce your homes time on the market.
5. Hire the right Realtor, the one who will tell you what you need to do to get your home sold.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Home Seller, I already know you're not going to give your home away.
7. Make sure you have plenty of relatives and friends to spare if you decide to hire your best friend or a relative to sell your home.
8. If you're sitting back waiting for the market to rebound before you sell your home, make sure have a comfortable chair.
9. Smoking  or pet odors in your home is a seller's death sentence.
10. So many times, the first offer is often the best offer you receive.

Remember, listing your home is not an experiment!

And as usual, If you or someone you know is considering a move, I can help you! It's what I do!

Eunice Waller
Prudential Simpson & Associates


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